All that glitters in Obuasi is not gold

Kofi Yeboah Writes, It is Good Friday, April 7, 2023. Jesus Christ has been killed by the Jews after one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, sold him out for crucifixion 2023 years ago, so says the Bible. Christians across the world are mourning Jesus Christ, some with church services and others with ‘Gbonyo Party’. I am doing none of those. I am travelling to Obuasi. But I am soberly reflecting on the saving grace of Jesus Christ secured by his death on this day. One nagging question, which has never betrayed me on this occasion like Judas did to Jesus, but which I desire to kill like the Jews did to Jesus, is that if the death of Jesus Christ brought salvation to humankind, did Judas, who contributed significantly to the killing of Jesus, do wrong? Another nagging question: why did Judas Iscariot commit suicide after gaining handsomely from the betrayal transaction? To the latter question, I guess the answer may not be far-fetched: money is not everything in life. Any...