Friends from Cairo: Who do I say you are?
Kofi Yeboah Writes, In Matthew 16:15-16, Jesus Christ asked his disciples: “Who do you say I am?” and Peter answered correctly by declaring the divine identity of Jesus. In Cairo, Egypt, after meeting the participants of the ‘58 th Training Course for Young African Journalists’ for one week, I hereby play the character of Jesus but, unlike him, I turn the question in the opposite direction: “Who do I say you are?” I elect myself, as Peter did, to answer the question, thus, becoming both the examiner and the examined, but leaving the real assessment to whomsoever is marking the script. Although the participants who attended the training course were from different countries and cultures, it was obvious that three weeks of intellectual discourse and lively intercourse succeeded in dismantling whatever barriers that previously blocked their connection. The francophone participants Chadians are normally calm, polite and reserved, and in Nathan, those character traits are ...